Wednesday, December 5, 2007


For those who have tried to test GUI-based Eclipse plug-ins - i.e., Wizards, Dialogs, Editors, and a lot of other useful things in Eclipse, you know that there is a scarcity of options - and especially non-commercial ones. So, when it came time to write functional tests for the Eclipse-based toolset that the team I am part of is developing, it was really a matter of choosing one among a few frameworks that are still in the early stages - meaning minimal documentation, and constant changes.

Though the situation was less than ideal, I decided to go with one that looked promising - SWTBot. Although the documentation is almost non-existent as of yet, you will still be able to pick it up quickly after going through the samples and the code. You start with a SWTBot and use its various methods to locate the controls you want to test, and then use custom bots to manipulate (simulating clicks, key-presses, etc) and verify (testing value of label, etc.) aspects of those controls. Its trivial to include the SWTBot testing code within JUnit test cases and run it using the Eclipse JUnit runners. By the end of day one with SWTBot, I had tests for some dialogs and preference pages, and was well on my way to satisfying my testing requirements.

Now this is great and all but be aware that this framework is still in a relatively early stage of development: expect to go through the framework code to fix issues you encounter. In fact, I had several issues related to getting the appropriate timeouts (especially with the editor content-assist tests), making sure my event listeners were fired, etc. But the guy behind the framework - Ketan Padegaonkar is very committed to the project and is very approachable - he has already addressed the issues I have brought up. If you need to do functional testing of your SWT and Eclipse applications, SWTBot is definitely worth considering.